I'll Find Myself When I'm Dead

S4E6 - The Pushcart Prize 2022

3 years ago

This week we’re talking about this year’s edition of the Pushcart Prize anthology. We compare it to Best American, discuss the important differences, and focus on a few selections from the anthology. Also: Build-A-Bears, Paint & Wine, Burt Reynolds, male pattern baldness, egg donation, BoJack Horseman, some March Faxness warmup talk, and more!

Some things we mention:

The Pushcart Prize: http://www.pushcartprize.com

March Faxness: http://marchxness.com

Kathryn Schulz’s essay on The Great Gatsby (suggested in a listener email): https://www.vulture.com/2013/05/schulz-on-the-great-gatsby.html

“Open House” by Jeremiah Moss: https://www.nplusonemag.com/issue-36/essays/open-house/

“Gutted” by Cathryn Klusmeier: https://agnionline.bu.edu/essay/gutted 

Find out more at https://i-ll-find-myself-when-i-m-dead.pinecast.co